We didnt have much money to spare so rather than buying new outfits we decided to see what
we could do with what we already had, we were amazed to find that Lexi's dress from our wedding in September 2009 still fits her and even thought it looks better now than it did then!
Here is a photo of lexi on Saturday, little sweetheart :)
Logan wore a waist coat again from our wedding in sept 2009 when he was only 3 months old, It was big on him at the time but I was again suprised that it still fit him :)
Here is a photo of Logan at the weekend - As you can see my little boy is a little on the clumsy side and had a huge cut on his face at the weekend (typical that he always manages these things on good photo opportunities)
Thats now almost completely healed just a few days on though so thankfully it doesnt look like it will scar :)