I cant help but feel a little sad that lexi has finished nursery forever now :( She seems so little to be starting school in september as she is an August 07 baby she is still only 3 at the moment and will be one of the youngest in the reception class.
When she was born I was almost relieved to have her 3 weeks early as lets face it its not exactly amazing being heavily pregnant in the middle of summer, but now I wish she had held on until her due date as it would have meant she had another year before school started and i would have felt a lot better about her being ready for it!
Any way she will be going to a lovely school and im sure they will be excellent with her :) Logan is starting nursery in September as well! My babies are growing up fast!
I am so looking forward to having lots of fun in the sun and hopefully having lots of lovely days out over the 6 week holidays! I just hope the weather doesnt fail us :)
My main tasks for the summer are to plan Lexis birthday on a budget (when i mean budget i mean i have no disposible money at all at the moment) Hopefully have a party for her as she has been asking for one since her last birthday as she didnt get one!
Also I have to sort out her school uniform - again on a very tight budget!
Lets see how well I can do :)