Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Weigh in

My weight has always been an issue for me, when I was 17 I had what most people would think was the perfect figure as a curvy but toned size 10/12.... but at 5ft 9 I weighed in at 12stone8lbs which to me just sounded like such a huge number and i thought i was huge! Looking back now I would do anything to be 13stone.
After having 2 babies (1 very difficult pregnancy) I have struggled to loose weight I am a size 16 on top and my backside is a size 18/20 (talk about pear shaped thanks for those genes mum)
I dream to have 1 last baby and to do it healthily. I would love to get down to 13 stone - any less and I would look silly but 13 would be the dream!
I hope to discover fantastic weight loss products and see if they really do work while sharing my journey with you.